Monday, June 4, 2007

Books I Can't Wait to Get My Hands On...

What better way to start this thing off than by talking about the books I've been waiting for? I am, indeed, a book junkie and am trying not to buy too many more books as I've already filled the bookcases in my office and had to beg my Dad to build extra ones upstairs (which he did--thanks, Dadddy). Even so, I know I'm going to break down and pick these up in the next month or so:

Linda Susan Jackson -- What Yellow Sounds Like (Tia Chucha)

Aracelis Girmay -- Teeth (Curbstone)

Kwame Dawes -- Impossible Flying (Peepal Tree)

Malcolm Gladwell -- Blink (Back Bay Books)

Colin Channer -- The Girl With the Golden Shoes (Akashic Books)

Cormac McCarthy -- The Road (Knopf)

If anybody has any suggestions for some really good contemporary fiction, please send them along. I'm never short in the poetry department, but I'm always on the lookout for good fiction that has flown under my radar.

Seriously, there are worse vices than books, chocolate and shoes, right???