Monday, June 25, 2007

Cave Canem Retreat Week

Cave Canem officially kicked off its summer retreat yesterday and I am immensely jealous. I finished my years as a fellow there last summer and am having a hard time not imagining myself back in Pittsburgh this year. I keep dreaming Dante Michaeux will call and say, "We need you for something! Can you come volunteer?" Even in my fantasies I can no longer take part in the workshop, but I can still be there, running around the campus, delivering poem packets to Toi and Cornelius, maybe jamming it up with Patricia Smith late into the night.

Fortunately, I'm not the only one who feels this way. Got a call from the homie John Murillo who is enlisting other CC alumni to take part in a writing challenge similar to CC's this week. We are to write a poem every day this week and send them to the other participating fellows, via email, by a set time each day. I'm so excited that he's thought of this and asked me to participate. Other fellows caught up in the roll call are: Aracelis Girmay, Samantha Thornhill and Kamilah Aisha Moon. I'll post updates about how things are going throughout the week and mention anyone else who jumps into the mix.

If any 'retreating' fellows are reading this, send us updates please! You know we all have to live vicariously through you now :-(

Use the week to walk heavy with the spirits. Read well, write fire!